Today’s lecture was presented by Darren Savage. He spoke about the future of technology and how the internet is changing. One piece of technology, from the several presented, which caught my attention was Estimote beacons.
Below I have attached a video which explains what these are and how they are going to be used in the future.
So I thought to myself, how could these be used in the classroom?
- Teachers could record their voice and attach it to reading books. This allows every child to access these book.
- Teachers could use them to send information to parents.
- Teachers could set different activities and task to each sticker.
Although this piece of technology is still in development, I believe, it will change the way people receive and obtain information.
Another interesting piece of technology Darren Savage spoke about was Nest. Although it is designed for homes to control and measure the house temperature and energy consumption, I believe it can be used in the classroom. The video below explain what Nest is.
So how might it be used in the classroom?
- Teachers are able to control the temperature, lighting and heat thus providing the most suitable working conditions for pupils.
- It can be used when teaching about energy consumption.