Welcome to my blog
Hello and welcome to the blog of an average student attempting to understand the ins and outs of British Politics.
Recently I have stumbled across the idea that many Universities within the UK have been deemed as poor providers of ‘free speech’. Following the Spiked Project’s 2018 results I found that Roehampton University, my place of study, was ranked red on the traffic light system they have in place. However, upon reading further into the site’s rating specification, it became clear that their idea of free speech and my idea of free speech were completely different things.
I, personally, have always had a chance to express my views at Roehampton, so I have created his space to express even more of my opinions and views, this time in a more political light. Maybe you don’t feel the same, maybe you do, feel free to challenge me on any topic I cover in this blog.
Happy reading!