Session 11: Reflection Blog for Seminar Presentation (Blog 13)

This blog is to share the seminar presentation I did on how Discord could be used for opening the line of communication between parents/carers and their school.

Discord is free voice and text chat software which can be used through a browser, you can download the desktop app or there is an app for iOS and android smartphones and tablets.

Released in March 2015 and by December 2016 it has accumulated over 25 million users. Predominately used by gamers, the CEO and founder, Jason Citron was a gamer himself and was sick of out-of-date software like Skype. Also there are some privacy issues with Skype, by which hackers can uncover your IP address.

For information on why Discord is so good –

My Presentation:

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft” ]

Link to presentation –

Setting up your own Private Server (Seminar Handout)

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]