Computational thinking and the jam sanwich.


This week’s lecture on computational thinking and the use of algorithms was really interesting and a good source of ideas to use in the classroom.

I have to admit, I was daunted by the thought of ‘computational thinking’ and ‘algorithims’, however once I felt comfortable that these were not terms that only had a context understandable by computer scientists/robotics engineers, I was a lot more at ease.

I really liked the idea of bringing in computational thinking as a way to problem solve, and the example of using an algorithim to create a set of instructions for jam sandwich making (top tip: be careful to include instructions for both hands!)

All in all, a lot of great ideas to try and implement in the classroom!

IWB lecture

Created by Amanda and myself

Created by Amanda and myself.


I really enjoyed the session today, it was great to start getting to grips with the modern technology that we may well have to use in the classroom and incorporate into lesson plans. I think there is a place for ‘old fashioned’ resources too, but it was interesting to see what’s now on offer.