In todays session I reviewed with the class what my E-learning topic is going to be and what activities I will be using to support my topic. I had a further think about the tools I will use to create my activities and their overall purpose. I may change some of my tools I use. But this will only happen if I feel they are easier to work with

We explored Robert Gagne’s 9 instructional events. When creating my activities, reviewing his instructional events against my work will help me because I need to grab my audiences attention, through a wide use of visual (colour and animation). I will also set out the learning objectives of each activity clearly so that the teachers know what the children should be gaining from the experiences. My first activity will set out to recall of prior attention through the use of Padlet where the children will be asked to identify what they already know about Road safety. As stated above I have a rough idea how I am going to present all the information I wish too, through my activities but there might be a few changes.


Week 11 – Reviewing Theory – Robert Gagne

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