Post 11 – KidSMART

It is the first time I have head of kidSMART and it certainly offers a lot of content.  There are some great links to other websites for learning about different things such as animals and great guides for accessing music legally. It has a really good emphasis on e-safety and this must seen as paramount for staff to allow the children to use this at school and to also promote the use of it at home potentially.  There are good links for networking children together and could possible aid collaborative learning for the children. There is may be too much going on within the website, it seems a little bit confusing and maybe needs a little refresh and branding work to it. Its to easy to click around and not stay on something, and maybe they are trying to do too many things?  Like with many cheaper end websites it is very text heavy and does not flow well with graphics and and links, but it is free and there are no adverts which is definitely not needed for children’s websites.

However, it serves a good purpose and can provide lots of valuable information for both children and adults but I wonder could it be better if there was some financial element to it?


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