Post 8 – Rutherford House Teacher Discussion

Another great opportunity to visit a different school, meet staff and discuss our google-classroom, yes we were nervous speaking to real teachers but it was nice to be more in control.

Introducing ourselves and our google-classroom we discussed the resource with its advantages and disadvantages. Although based around the concept of the school council we were conscious that the school was in the early stages of pupil intake with only years 1-3 at present and how the resource might be better placed with users being of a higher age.  The teacher was interested in the functionality of the voting forms we had put on and it was good to hear the teachers concerned about time management and the heavy use of paper in schools.

The teacher expressed her concerns about setting up issues, which I think were general ones with dealing with the on-line world, and appreciated that as children got older such resources would be more usable and worthwhile for them. However it was nice to hear that she could see how the younger children could benefit from early interaction with it and creates and environment for them to begin to internalize their learning.

As per our expectations the teacher was concerned with admin rights, who could post what, who could see what etc. Discussing their existing blog facilitates which operate within the general school website we discussed how safe our resource could be and she agreed with the features that were present.

Feedback options, comments, competitions and the availability for children to send in their own work and learning was of interest to the teacher and she appreciated how this could manifest itself in children’s own independent learning.  It was good to get feedback from the teacher, her own honest comments and where she saw the potential benefits to the staff being users and for the children to interact with the resource as well.

A positive exercise, with Jamie and I both feeling comfortable with what we had produced. Taking the thoughts, suggesting and feedback from the teacher in context for what we are trying to do will enable us to produce a more refined and fit for purpose e-learning resource.


One Comment
  1. شركة المثالية بولز لتنظيف المسابح في الدمام هي إحدى الشركات المتخصصة في تقديم خدمات تنظيف وصيانة المسابح بأعلى مستوى من الجودة والاحترافية. تقدم الشركة فريق عمل مؤهل ومدرب بشكل جيد، مع معدات حديثة ومواد تنظيف آمنة للبيئة، لضمان تقديم خدمة ممتازة لعملائها.
    افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالدمام

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