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Introduction to My Internship

From the months of February to May of 2020, I was an intern for a production company called Tideturner Films. Tideturner Films is created and operated by Sue Carpenter. Carpenter is a director and producer, specializing in independent documentary filmmaking. Tideturner Films, previously produced a short documentary film called There’s Something About Molly (2015), and is currently finishing production with their first feature length documentary called, I am Belmaya. Tideturner Films’ goal for their new upcoming film is to have the film entered into film festivals, locally and internationally, ultimately with the chances of gaining recognition on a local, and possibly global level.

Officially, my internship role was to be a “Media and Marketing Assistant”. My internship focus was on the film currently being produced, I am Belmaya and the Tideturner Films brand as a whole. For the film, my role as a media and marketing assistant was to coordinate with Sue Carpenter (the film’s director and producer) and establish a path for entering film festivals and raising awareness of the film’s upcoming release through social media. For the Tideturner Films brand, my role consisted of being responsible for social media accounts which including creating content to post (see portfolio) and understanding which content was efficient in created engagement with followers (see thesis). As the internship continued, these goals changed and evolved when necessary to create an important and vital experience in my career in media. The tasks of achieving these goals will be described later in more detail.