(This page is one section of the Professional Log. To view the full Professional Log, click here)
Understanding My Role as an Intern
After meeting with Sue Carpenter for an interview, I gladly excepted the role and began preparing for the first day as a media and marketing assistant. Fortunately, I have previous experience with a production company which allowed me to come prepared with an idea of what to expect when discussing film and media, but even with my prior experience, this was my first time as an assistant with tasks that involved marketing. In the following section, I will be explaining the first few days of my internship role, which involved gathering details, social media contact preferences, and establishing main goals and minor goals for the film I am Belmaya and the Tideturner Films production company.
The first meeting as an intern was a focused discussion with Sue Carpenter and gathering all vital contact information such as emails, phone numbers, and social media account information. As I was the first individual that was given an internship role during this social media campaign, I was able to have a more personal discussion with Carpenter to help get a solid understanding for the paths and goals for ourselves, the film, and production company. Together, we discussed that my role will be to create content for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, this included photos, videos, and captions for I am Belmaya. She was able to share the current content on the social media accounts and I was able to give my thoughts, thus establishing our combined preferences for the posts that would be made (such as colors, fonts, length of videos, etc.). By understanding what has already been done, it gave me a guideline as to where I could go, allowing for creativity and improvements on posts.
Due to my previous experiences in media, it was important for me to remember that goals and tasks throughout the internship would change as more information was gathered through the social media accounts. Along with these discussions, the first meeting was important to establish tasks for future meetings and hitting goals by certain deadlines. The advantage of this internship role was that there was a lot of flexibility in terms of deadlines and creativity. To end the first meeting, Carpenter suggested that I review media marketing campaigns from other documentary films. She also mentioned that she would be hiring more interns (this would be crucial in the following days for my internship) to work together on the social media campaign, with the ability to produce more content. Through this first meeting I was able to learn about the day-to-day process that was expected for the following days I will have at Tideturner Films.