I also thought about costumes in regards to my character ‘The married woman’. I wanted her clothing to be something old or maybe ripped or probably walking barefoot. I was thinking to have her hair tied back as well. The prop involved in this would be a buggy as it states she pushes a buggy around. I thought it would be a great discription because not many married women take of themselves back in the day and didn’t want her dressing fancy.

It would be better in a much wider enviroment where there is enough space for me to film myself playing my chracter so people can get a clearer view on whats happening. I’m use to speaking in plays so this one might a be a bit difficult but I have to learn to be able to stay in character. a disadvantage about this is that i’m the only oneĀ  playing one of the married couple so at the same time it would be difficult to act my character when my husband isn’t present. Another idea I thought of since I’m alone, I could pretend to be a married and pretend that mu husband is with me everywhere I go.


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