Post 10 – Our Video Conference and the Horizon Report.

For some reason it doesn’t want to attach, A screen shot and a download file will have to do sorry.


[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft” ]



A totally different lecture this week with all the kids at home showing off their internet speeds. My first thought before the video conference was concerned with how it would work out, would the software stand up to the task and would we all be able to navigate around the system?  The discussions which followed each presentation allowed ideas and thoughts that might not have manifested themselves had we all been in the same room, there was less distraction and not being able to engage in body language the video conference potentially enabled a platform for discussion where you did not know what was coming next and by whom. This aspect highlighted the debate and the higher concentration that was needed to be engaged in the discussion made for a better experience.  Being able to share documents online in real time enabled me to refer back to a presentation even though it was being displayed live, and with the inclusion of private messaging created a rich interactive experience which I fully enjoyed and felt I had benefited from.  Certainly more responsibility was being placed on us students and this less teacher focused lesson created an environment where we were all treated equally.


  1. Is there anything you disliked about the video conferencing experience and in what instances do you think having conferences in person would be more beneficial?

  2. I didn’t like the fact that some people felt awkward with being online, I guess that is human nature and the more people use it the more comfortable they will become with it. There was a little bit of noise interruption from people phones buzzing but I guess we are not all clued up with etiquette on such matters. Obviously time and distance are a factor for using such tools, I know my wife uses it daily to converse with people from all over the world. It would be good for schools to use it together to get more teachers talking. However, you cannot beat face to face contact with someone as emotions and body language play an important part in conversing with someone, especially when children are concerned.

  3. I completely agree, I think the purpose of a discussion determines whether video conferencing is the best way forward or not. It’s interesting you mentioned that your wife uses it on a daily basis, just goes to show it is regularly used in the professional environment.

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