

By today I was sure that I wanted to do my presentation on the importance of outdoor play, so today I decided that I would be good to do an observation on how the younger children reacting to playing outdoors without the influence of observing what the school children were doing. I was noticing that the toddlers were happy to just walk around and follow on another, whilst others were happy to run after a ball that was being thrown around. The toddlers had learnt to climb upon the banisters as they had learnt this from the school children. The toddlers were being supported by practitioners and were being held on the banisters to allow them to play and sing on the bannisters. The children enjoyed this very much and liked the idea of swinging and playing with what they had. Some of the toddlers were also walking over to the side of the garden where there was a lot of mud and grass for them to play with. The children had collected some sticks and were sticking them into the mud to allow them to stand up, they found this very entertaining and had allowed themselves to collect as many tree branches as possible to decorate the mud.

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