

A lot of the children had not come into the childcare home today as a lot of them were on holiday or some were ill due to the cold weather. Due to this the children didn’t go outdoors today and rather we had circle time and the children were able to express what they had done for the new years and also what they had done for Christmas. I had fed some of the babies their milk and also had washed up many of the plates for the children and also their drinking cups. As there were not a lot of children I was able to sit everyone down and we read a book out loud. I was pointing to all the pictures they had pointed out and we went through the different colours and shapes in the book. The children were then given a biscuit as a snack and I was able to help put some of the babies to sleep by rocking them in my arms and placing them in a cot and giving them their blankets and dummies.

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