Making a website!

There are a variety of ways to show children how a website is designed:

  1. Press F12 on a web page to see how the page was made.
  2. Mozilla X-ray Goggles:
    1. Bookmark and show the page at the top of the web page.
    2. Open any web page e.g. BBC News and click on the different areas to change the speech/pictures. Have to be funny!
    3. Basic html editing.
  3. Mozilla Thimble uses tags to make web pages e.g. <p> to </p>, <strong> makes the words bold </strong>
  4. EAK (Erase All Kittens)
    1. A fun interactive web page program!
    2. A game which they then have to write programming code to progress to the next stage.


html is a mark-up language, not programming, it is the beginning of coding.

  • Gets children to start writing things precisely.


The dark web is web pages that google doesn’t know about e.g. a black market website, or a website that you have made yourself but not told google about.


Similar to informing childing about the internet, this is useful as it may inspire the next child to become a games designer etc.

How does the internet work?

KS1: How do we use the internet?

KS2: Understanding computer networks.

How results are selected and ranked e.g. Google.



One activity you could use to get children to start thinking about the internet would be to draw the internet. Could do this activity before and after teaching about the internet to see how their interpretation has changed.



  • Set up 1969 America
  • Lots of different routes for information to travel so that if one connection fails then data has other possible routes.
  • 1973 London connects to the internet
  • There are multiple connections all over the world.
  • However, if a company or country has only one connection then it allows them to patrol all the information going in and out via the internet.
  • Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web 1989


I think it is good to educate children about the internet due to the amount that the next generation is now influenced, uses and is reliant on the internet. They should know how and why they have internet and why it is uncommon to completely lose connection to the internet.

Data Handling

Data can be visual – we watched part of a video about the visuality of data, where pieces of information were linked by a common aspect and coloured, allowing us to easily see a representation of what money is spent on. This could be done with many parts of the curriculum allowing pupils to associate what they are saying to a visual stimulus. Similarly word clouds allow students to see which word they are using most often, from which they could work on expanding their vocabulary.

Through experimentation with Google Forms I can see the benefits and ease at which Google forms could be implemented into the everyday life at school through seeing prior knowledge of a subject (as well as ending knowledge), finding out how they travel to school for the walk to school scheme, getting opinions on what the class want to learn etc. Here I made my own:

We also learnt about the legal and ethical issues of data collection and the necessity for anonymity.

The Polar Express

I used this recording of Liam Neeson reading The Polar Express in a lifesaver moment when I was about to teach the second of 5 lessons on The Polar Express and the other teacher asked to use the book I was going to read from. It has the pictures from the book and music as the book is read. I’m sure the children loved it more than they would have my rendition anyway!

Teaching about money and change

In week 5 of the placement we were learning about money and change. I created this for a one off lesson in week 6 to check how well the children understood what they had been learning. The powerpoint checks their knowledge of money coins (smallest to largest in order) and then a plenary question to check their understanding of question phrasings seen in Yr 2 SATs and acted as a short whiteboard activity.

I used this game on the hard setting  to help the children get used to using the coins in British Sterling.

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