How does the internet work?

KS1: How do we use the internet?

KS2: Understanding computer networks.

How results are selected and ranked e.g. Google.



One activity you could use to get children to start thinking about the internet would be to draw the internet. Could do this activity before and after teaching about the internet to see how their interpretation has changed.



  • Set up 1969 America
  • Lots of different routes for information to travel so that if one connection fails then data has other possible routes.
  • 1973 London connects to the internet
  • There are multiple connections all over the world.
  • However, if a company or country has only one connection then it allows them to patrol all the information going in and out via the internet.
  • Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web 1989


I think it is good to educate children about the internet due to the amount that the next generation is now influenced, uses and is reliant on the internet. They should know how and why they have internet and why it is uncommon to completely lose connection to the internet.

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