Lecture 8: The One With The Horizon

For this lecture I was asked to create a presentation based on the Artificial Intelligence pages (p44-46) in the 2016 Horizon Report. I have linked the presentation below:


The Horizon Report indicates all of the technology which is upcoming into mainstream education and what teachers are able to do with it. I definitely agree that AI is something which is worth investing into schools, based on what the report has said and from my own research- since there is a lot of money going into the development of it for educational use. I really like the way that it enables children’s progress to be tracked, meaning that teachers can be provided with up to date information from tasks and therefore have a better idea of the specific needs for those children.
This data leads to more focused and specialised lessons for the class overall and support for those children who are struggling.

Although, AI could be quite costly to implement across the whole school, and it could also be quite difficult for some teachers who are not as skilled in the use of technology or not not willing to learn how to use it. There could also be the issue of permission and safety to have the all children’s details on the system, as well as tracking their progress continuously and how else or where that information is used.

However, I would aim to use AI in as many ways possible within my own classroom, since I see it as beneficial to both the children and the teacher. Especially when it comes to limiting the amount of paperwork that the teacher is required to do, so that they are able to focus more on the children and lessons.

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