The use of technology and programmes in the classroom are crucial to today’s society as most of what we do revolves around the use of new and improved systems that that makes remedial tasks quicker and easier. This is why for my seminar on technology I decided to focus on Plicker. I won’t go into too much detail about this program as this is all in the PowerPoint below. However I will mention that that the use of plickers takes immediate testing of pupils to a new and improved level of ease and stress free assessment.
download here: Plicker-u2ghtm
Plicker Handout from session:Simple guide to using plickers-1x27lmr
Reflecting on my presentation on Plicker I found that the use of this in the classrooms is a fun and interactive way of assessing pupils without them knowing it. I feel that this programme was the best to present due to interactivity of it. After telling my fellow colleges how Plicker works it was great to see it in action using the Plicker cards and having the questions on the board. While this did not work perfectly it is important that everyone saw what some of the issues were using these in a classroom and how they can be solved. While this was not planned I felt that this was a good learning curve and was still relevant to the presentation. With the time constraints for tis presentation I was not able to present everything that I wanted too. Going forward, it is clear to see that the important information must be resented in a snappy and engaging way that allows people time to explore rather than be talked at. This has drawn my attention to the importance of this as a teacher. While there is lots to teach and lots if information you want to provide our pupils the best way to do this is in bite size pieces and the power of social learning is far greater and a constructivist approach.