
Hi there!

Thanks for coming along, my name is Lizzy and I guess it would be fitting to introduce my page to you! Without talking too excessively about myself, I want to share a few things that I am.  Over time, and over many blogs, you will soon realise what I am not, and that is also OK.  I love to be able to know my own strengths and weaknesses, because my gosh it sure has taken a long time to get to this point in my life. Reflection is a skill which I feel I can bring to teaching and as such, the aim is to improve myself and my craft constantly.

I am:

  • A Lover of knowledge, strength and coffee
  • A Believer in life, love and people
  • A Grower of plants, mind a body
  • A Greek – Cypriot Australian with an insatiable hunger to travel
  • A possessor of an open mind and an open heart

And now I am a Teacher!

I want to use this place to talk about anything and everything that I see, feel and experience during my year.  I have been told that reflection is key as a teacher.  And to be honest, this seems like a really great place to start.  So without further ado, let us begin.